JAM in Mozambique

Partnership Highlight: Jesus Alive Gospel Outreach

Jesus Alive Gospel Outreach (formerly JAM-Jesus Alive Ministries) was founded in 1983 by South-African born Peter and Ann Pretorius who had come to faith in Christ just 4 years earlier and began preaching the Gospel of Jesus throughout rural towns in South Africa.

In 1984, following the Mozambican government’s plea to the international community for urgent help to combat a famine created by civil war that placed nearly 4 mm people at risk of starvation, Peter was one the first people to respond to this call and visit a refugee camp to see what he could do.

Peter was flown in to observe a camp in Mozambique for what was meant to be just 1 day. His pilot didn’t return for 10 days, leaving him with no food, water, or supplies in an area where the rapid repeating of machine gun fire was only drowned out by the cries of starving children. Peter witnessed death, despair and misery at a level that changed something in him, and upon his return home, Peter and his wife Ann resolved to do whatever they could to help. Joint Aid Management (JAM) was born out of this tragedy as a Nutritional Feeding relief-focused organization in 1984. 

JAM is now a multinational non-Government Organization run by committed Christians. Their mission is to provide food security, nutrition, water, and sanitation to the most vulnerable communities in Africa in dignified and sustainable ways, providing daily food for more than 1.1 mm children every day.

Ongoing programs, staff, and offices are located in Angola, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, and Uganda. 

JAM has registered affiliate support offices in Canada, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland, the United States, the United Kingdom, and representatives in Norway.

JAM is currently facing a crisis situation where 1500 of the families they serve were ravaged by flooding from Tropical Cyclone Eloise in January. They were then forced from rebuilding their homes early this month (along with 1 mm other people) as Islamic radicals have set out on a bizarre terroristic action; randomly killing, raping, and destroying homes in various areas of northern Mozambique.  

The government has provided land for these families to resettle and JAM’s engineering ministry has created sturdy, weatherproof homes that can be built for less than $200 each. 

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