We serve as a ministry partner for thousands of Churches and Organizations from around the world. The Sermon Network has been in operation since 2005, and during that time has helped publish over 1 million hours of sermon content on the web. The Sermon Studio management system, Sermon Players, and the Sermon Network website were established to help our partner ministries share the Word of God worldwide.



Phil is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, and Christian who has dedicated his time and resources to help spread the Word of God worldwide. He was originally an investor in the for-profit SermonShare, LLC, and took the lead in bringing other successful Christians together to purchase the company and convert it into the non-profit, with the mission of aiding in the fulfillment of the Great Commission by spreading Christian teachings.

Kyle Thompson

President of Catalyst Resource Group

As VP of Catalyst Missions,’s parent ministry, Kyle serves as our liaison. With more than 3 decades of experience in bringing media & missions to tens of thousands of churches, Kyle is a wealth of relationships and knowledge. As a Faith-based movie marketer, he has participated in the marketing leadership on more than 45 theatrical releases, including 15 of the largest 20 opening weekends for faith-based films. He serves as a pastor to the Catalyst staff &, with his wife, as a children’s minister on the weekends at his church for many years.


VP of Software Development

Scott is our VP of Systems Development since 2014. Scott manages the storage and delivery of millions of media files and oversees the daily work our Software Development Team. He is instrumental in directing the transformation of our system architecture for cost efficiency and future growth. When not on the job you will find him cycling, rowing, or building in the wood shop.


Co-Founder / VP of Product Dev

David is one of the visionaries behind, and wears many hats around here. While leading the team in maintaining, supporting, and evolving the system, he brings a smile and his A-game every day. He hails from the Great White North (aka Canada), and enjoys a solid Winter & loud music. His personal mission statement is, “Trust GOD… and Rock On!”


Director of Technical Support

Paul became familiar with by putting the Sermon Studio to work for the church he attends. He was the client with the “cool stuff” and would often share his video equipment & setups with us. In 2014, Paul was invited to join the team as staff and now oversees all areas of our Clients’ technical support, Onboarding, and overall best use of the software.


Director of Client Services

Lauren is a ray of sunshine at the office and keeps the rest of the team from going crazy with her neatness and organization. Lauren has helped hundreds of users get their own custom iPhone and Android App. For years she kept everything straight in billing for thousands of ministries and now works directly with all new Clients’ Onboarding success.