
Featured Feature: Automate Episode Availability

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If you do a routine (daily or weekly) devotional, podcast post, or media blog by recording your content, then uploading and making it available at the appropriate time, we may be able to help simplify and streamline your process.

Through Automate Episode Availability, you can create and upload your content well ahead of time so that you have weeks (or even months) worth of content staged and ready to go. Then, on the set date and hour, you can have the episode automatically turn ON, and/or OFF, as desired. 

You can schedule your media’s availability in your Players, and/or Podcast feeds – or both!

Click here for a short video demonstration

If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please submit a Support > Help Desk ticket. We are here and always happy to help!

* Image from Studio > Episode page > Schedule tab