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We would love to hear from you!

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As Summer 2021 draws to a close, we pray this next season brings with it new and exciting methods and opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Thank you for allowing us to serve your ministry. We will continue to develop sermon.net to more effectively serve and protect your ministry well into the future.

We have a favor to ask of you:

We are looking to gather testimonials from ministries that currently use sermon.net. If you would be willing, please tell us about your experience and how sermon.net has been a benefit to your ministry.

We would love to hear from you!

Whether it’s the variety of features, the personal support, low cost, or simply the fact that sermon.net makes it easy to send one stream and automatically hit multiple destinations week-after-week (including your own website), please let us know. Thank you for your help!

Please send your testimonial, including your name and ministry name, to info@sermon.net. We would like to share your message as an encouragement to others that are looking for a Christ-focused ministry to partner with for their online broadcasting needs.

You are greatly appreciated. God Bless!