
FEATURED FEATURE: Live Stream From Your Home Page

“Above the fold” is an old newspaper industry term that means, if you want it to be seen you put it on the top half of the front page.

This idea still applies today.

The easier something is to see and access, the more attention it is going to get. You might want to consider this strategy when presenting your live stream to your online guests.

You can embed a simple live player, which will display a countdown clock till your next live event when you are OFF AIR.

If you are promoting your online ministry / website through your community using business cards, tracks, or signage… Putting the live player “above the fold” will make it easy (less frustrating) for your new online visitors.

Your Live Stream serves as an outreach tool, with the goal being to ultimately get the viewer to visit and engage with your ministry in person. It also provides access to your services for shut-ins, the ill, or those not in your geographic location. Make it easy for them.

You can also embed a player that will provide one-click access to your most recent on-demand service, if you are not broadcasting when they visit your page.

* Here is a short video that will walk you through both options:

Video Download Link:
– https://sndemo.sermon.net/dvhigh/21895204.mp4

Video Playback Link:
– https://sndemo.sermon.net/pvhigh/21895204.mp4

If you have any questions, or require any assistance, please submit a Support ticket through your Sermon Studio account. We are here and always happy to help!

GOD Bless,
Dave / sermon.net