
PAUL ON CALL: Save Bandwidth—Save Money

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The higher the bandwidth the more the data costs to deliver. 

Most church services are low-motion video. By comparison, a high-motion video would be a sporting event. The camera is moving a lot more, the background is always changing, and there are people running all over the place. For that you need a higher bit rate! 

For a church service you typically do not need a high bit rate. Run some tests and see how low you can go. The lower the better for your data usageas long as it still looks good!

  • We would suggest keeping the bit rate around 1.5 – 2.5mb constant bit rate
  • Resolution 720p or 1080p
  • Frame rate 29.97 or 59.94
  • Audio set to 96 – 128kbs bit rate
  • Audio specs 44.100 HZ

Let us know if you need any assistance. We are here and always happy to help!