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“How do you connect people with God? You take them into the story… His story.”

For more than 20 years, Wesley Brainard, founder of CHARAKTER Ministry of the Arts, has been on a mission to share the Gospel through the arts, specifically mime and drama. He has traveled the world incorporating his creativity into worship and evangelism to help pastors and ministry leaders develop a passion for God Word.

“The intent is carving out a sacred place so people can meet with God in the story,” he said.

Wesley calls it ‘Scripture-telling.”

Wesley has taught this method of sharing the Gospel in classes and workshops for decades, and now he is teaching these unique tools to pastors and church leaders. “Storytelling for Pastors” is a three-part series that will help take your preaching and teaching of the Word of God to the next level.

“The mission is to share the Gospel in a way that inspires people to encounter God.”

Sign up today to access “Storytelling for Pastors” for FREE.