Pensioner lady browsing on internet sitting on couch. Elderly woman using moder technoloy tablet pc in home living room and husband working on laptop computer

FEATURED FEATURE: Are you Streaming in just ONE Click?

Keep It simple for your media team & volunteers!

The Goal: Get it as close to a “one-click” process as possible.

These days Live Streaming should be simple, requiring as few steps as possible to make it happen. For example, you should not have to log-in to multiple sites and schedule / replace codes week after week. 

For ministries that have volunteers running the show, you do not want to have to train them across several interfaces. That opens the door to failed streams.  

Give this information a look. Then, if you need any assistance getting the process dialed in and simplified, let’s schedule a call and make it happen!

Below is the most common method:

  1. Configure your RTMP encoding hardware or software. You only need to do this once. You should NOT have to change/update anything moving forward. The stream credentials are persistent and will not need to be modified between broadcasts. Set & Forget! [A popular RTMP encoding software is OBS (free download for MAC and WIN). The ATEM Mini Pro is a popular hardware encoder that eliminates the need for a computer system.  We recommend sending your stream at a bitrate of 2000Kbps @ 720p. Keyframe interval of every 2 seconds… and the native framerate of the camera (typically 30 fps). NOTE: Those are just recommendations. What you send us, we send out.]
  2. Have a Player for your live stream embedded directly into your website.
    [You only need to embed the Player once. Moving forward, your live and on-demand content will automatically be updated and available.]
  3. Configure your Restreaming destinations. The most popular destinations are Facebook and YouTube. You only need to configure your connections once. Any time you send your live stream to us, we will automatically send it to your social networks/destinations.
  4. If you have auto-publish to a new Episode activated within your account, following the broadcast, an audio and video recording of the live stream will automatically be added to your Players, Apps, and Podcast feeds. [Alternatively, you can manually trim/edit the original live recording before adding it to your On-demand archive. For example, you may want to stream the entire service but only archive the message portion.]
  5. You don’t even need to be logged into your Studio.  KEEP IT SIMPLE! Just open your encoder and press Start to go live; then press Stop in when the service is over. THAT IS IT!

* The videos on this page may help:

Perhaps we can help you re-work your workflow to make it as close to a one-click process. Please let us know by submitting a support ticket through your account. We are here and always happy to help!