Post production in a video or film studio on the computer with camera in the foreground

PAUL ON CALL: 6 Simple Check-Ups for your Your Best Online Church Service

Not only do we want Live Streaming to be as simple & automatic as possible, but we want to help you produce a quality broadcast.

Check your Bitrate & Encoder Settings

  1. We recommend sending your stream at a bitrate of 2000Kbps @ 720p. Keyframe interval of every 2 seconds and the native framerate of the camera (typically 30 fps). NOTE: Those are just recommendations. What you send us, we send out.

Check your Encoder

       2. Make sure your encoder (hardware or software) has the latest updates and is rebooted often to keep it running smoothly.

Check your Internet Connection & Network

       3. Whenever possible, a dedicated and hardwired connection is preferred over WiFi. If you have open wifi on the same network as you are streaming through this can affect your stream’s performance.

Check Your Cables

       4. Make sure they are in good condition, not a tangled mess, and firmly connected.. Loose or compromised cables will affect your stability and quality.

Check your Audio Levels

       5. Truth be told, the quality of your audio is more important than your video quality. Best practice is to have the audio patched directly from your soundboard into your encoding system.  A mic in the back of the room, or audio with a constant buzz, will drive your audience away. Make it as crisp and straightforward as possible.

Production Quality

      6. More than just encoders & cameras, there is an art to shooting video. Some broadcasts have a smooth, professional look; while others look like home videos from decades past. Let’s connect and discuss some tricks of the trade that will help you put your best foot forward.



As a broadcaster, we would like to offer you a free 30-minute consultation. We would be happy to check your setup and settings, run a test with you to make sure things are dialed-in, and discuss some equipment options if you are considering making some updates.  We can also pass along some pro-tips that will increase your production value so that you look your best!

If you feel your ministry would benefit from a conversation, please select a spot on this calendar:

Thank you for allowing us to serve your ministry!  God Bless!!
