Lazarus: In His Own Words

In the Gospel of John, the author emphasizes seven miraculous signs that Jesus performed prior to his crucifixion. John wrote: “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,…

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Paul on Call: vMix Call

Have you ever wanted to bring in a remote guest to your event like the TV stations do? Using Skype or Zoom is one way to do that, but the better way would be to use “vMix Call.” vMix Call allows you to bring in remote guests to your production and have a two-way conversation…

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Featured Feature: Automate Episode Availability

If you do a routine (daily or weekly) devotional, podcast post, or media blog by recording your content, then uploading and making it available at the appropriate time, we may be able to help simplify and streamline your process. Through Automate Episode Availability, you can create and upload your content well ahead of time so…

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Your full-service Christian Media Partner

Your Sermon Studio is full of features, all included at no extra cost, that were developed to help your ministry better present the Gospel. Have you ever been working on a project and needed to make an impromptu trip to the store to get that tool you need to finish the job.  Only to come to…

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Paul on Call: Get On Air with JTech

Paul Wood oversees technical support for and is available to help your church better use the platform to reach beyond your church community and grow. Do you have a camera with an HDMI output? JTech H.264 is a budget-friendly way to get online streaming in just a few minutes.  Most setups with the JTech are very…

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