“Hope for our World” FREE Resource

but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31   What in the world is going on in our world? Amidst the chaos, sickness and diseases, natural disasters, wars and…

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FEATURED FEATURE: Live Streaming & Simulcasting Made Simple & Safe

For most churches, the events of 2020 made Live Streaming the new and expected normal. Broadcasting your services over the internet became a necessity. Now, as things begin to open back up and many are returning to in-person gatherings, don’t make the mistake of thinking you no longer need to Live Stream your services. There…

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Judas: In His Own Words

Judas is mostly known for one thing–betraying Jesus. But was Judas always an evil person? Jesus chose Judas to be an apostle, and he followed Jesus for some time. Judas was taught the same things as the other apostles and had the same types of experiences. We are not told in the Bible when Judas…

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PAUL ON CALL: What is Keying?

Keying Defined…  Luma keys (removes the black background) Provides a way to composite a foreground clip over a background clip based on the luma levels in the video.  This is most often useful for still images, such as a picture of a logo over a black background, or computer-generated graphics.  Chroma key (removes the green…

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It’s a Different Kind of Summer. Time for a Different Kind of VBS. Our friends at KiDs Beach Club have taken their 2 decades of experience engaging tens of thousands of kids in the public school system and poured it into their first Vacation Bible School aka Surfs Up! VBS/BackYard Bible Club Program Click here for…

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FEATURED FEATURE: The More Details The Better Archive

As a pastor, you pour your heart and soul into the sermons you prepare.  The dedication and discipline required is often underappreciated… but the effects can be Kingdom changing! Week-after-week, you map out your topics, and begin your study and preparation.   And now for an important reminder: the sermon you preached 3 months ago may…

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Amazing Grace — A Message of Hope

Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I’m found Was blind, but now I see “Amazing Grace” is one of the most famous and memorable songs in the Christian church. This is the message of the church. We all have experienced the amazing grace…

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PAUL ON CALL: Going the distance with HDSDI?

When you need to run a very long cable run for a camera or video source SDI is the way to go.  You can run SDI 300- 400 feet without a repeater. This would allow a near zero delay with your video production. SDI is great to run from your camera to the switcher, switcher…

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