All The Resources Your Church Needs for Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas, and for this month’s gift, we have a number of free resources that will serve your church well this Christmas season! Download them now and save for future use. “There Is A Light,” a nine-minute worship service starter video is a powerful narration of how Jesus’ birth brought a light…

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The Most Thankful Angel

Jesus’ birth circumstances were the culmination of actions ranging from an emperor to poor peasant. God did not restrict the birth story to the religious people. Even today, he still opens to the story of Jesus to everyone. In this episode from Eyewitness Bible Series, an angel shares the Christmas story from a unique vantage…

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PAUL ON CALL: Stream Your Service For The Holidays

The holiday season is here, and if you don’t already stream your service online, now is the time to do so. It is easier than ever to broadcast your service  and you can get started with the gear that you already have on hand.  Here are some cost-effective ways to broadcast your service:   – Broadcast…

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FEATURED FEATURE: Add Custom Artwork to your Sermon Archive

When it comes to video directories, one of the first lessons to learn is that in order to stand out you need an appealing thumbnail image. Something that will get the viewer’s attention and make them want to click on it. Well, the same thing applies to your sermon Media Center. What do people first…

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PAUL ON CALL: Chat with an Expert

With the holidays and extra services coming up fast leverage Paul’s knowledge on production and live events.  Paul is here and happy to help.  Book a tech support or free consultation today! Paul is the Director of Technical Support for He became familiar with by putting the Sermon Studio to work for the…

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FaithChannel – Entertainment With Purpose

Stream safe, trusted content for the entire family from any device with FaithChannel! FaithChannel is the only FREE streaming media platform for the Christian faith community, with a mission of fulfilling the Great Commission in Mark 16:15…”go into ALL the world and share the amazing news of the One true God and His Son, Jesus.” Enjoy faith…

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FEATURED FEATURE: Promote Your Online Ministry

As we prepare to enter the Holiday Season it is of the utmost importance to shine the light and love of Jesus Christ into your community.  Although the Holidays are a time for joy and celebration, for many they are a time of intense loneliness and depression. Have you equipped and mobilized your congregation to…

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