Closeup portrait of a young caucasian woman praying

Amazing Grace — A Message of Hope

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Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I’m found
Was blind, but now I see

“Amazing Grace” is one of the most famous and memorable songs in the Christian church. This is the message of the church. We all have experienced the amazing grace of the Father.

This week’s free gift is “Amazing Grace, a beautiful representation of the love and grace that God has shown us. Regardless of what you are facing in life, we pray this is a blessing to you and your congregation.

At the link below, you’ll find a reference video that show how one church used this resource. You can then download the video to use during your church service.

1. Click link below
2. Watch the Amazing Grace (for reference) video to see how a church used the video to segue into worship
3. Download the Amazing Grace (for download) video and use it in your worship service

Click here to download.

For use in church services and allowable for live streaming.
A special thanks to our friends at Seeds for this gift.