1 John – The Book of Love

First John’s theme of Love is best shared by the woman who knew Jesus first.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, starts this narrative with an amazing first hand account of the Crucifixion.  However, she shares the Crucifixion not as a sad recollection of a mother who has witnessed the horrific torture and death of the…

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Are You Distracted?

  In this digital age, it’s easy to focus on the wrong things. It’s easy to become distracted. Little things can cause us to lose sight of  what’s really important. This week’s FREE gift, “Distracted,” is a great start to your church’s next sermon series. Included is: 1:09 minute “Distracted” Sermon Starter video, audio and…

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David — A Man After God’s Own Heart

  We all know the story of David—a hero, a king, a poet, a man after God’s own heart. But as we take a deeper look, we see that David’s story is very similar to our own. This week’s FREE gift is a sermon starter video that provides a perfect kick off to your next…

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‘The CHURCH’ in Action

In John 17:20-21, Jesus prayed, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,  that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” For more than 30 years, this has been the heart behind ABBA,…

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PAUL ON CALL: Keep your media safe

When you are broadcasting, it is a best practice to always record a local copy. This would serve as a backup, just in case something goes wrong. Do not trust your only copy to an internet connection. Most live stream encoding software enables you to record to your hard drive while you are sending your…

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Solutions for Long Cable Runs

When you need a very long cable run for a camera or video source, SDI is the way to go. You can run SDI 300- 400 feet without a repeater. This would allow a near zero delay with your video production.  SDI is great to run from your camera to the switcher, switcher to projector,…

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Freedom From the Weight of the Law

Lois, the grandmother of Timothy, is only mentioned once in the Bible. Timothy, Lois, and Eunice were from Lystra, a town located in the Roman province of Galatia. In this episode from Eyewitness Bible Series, Lois focuses on the truth found in Galatians 3-6. The Apostle Paul taught that Christians did not have to follow the…

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“Weights” FREE Sermon Starter

“…lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us.” Hebrews 12:1 This week’s FREE gift is a sermon starter video that demonstrates the inconvenience of carrying the “weight” of sin.  Included is: 2 min “Weights” themed Sermon Starter video and artwork 1 min “Weights” Music Bed Weights .pdf artwork At the link…

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FEATURED FEATURE: Live Streaming & Simulcasting Made Simple & Safe

For most churches, the events of 2020 made Live Streaming the new and expected normal. Broadcasting your services over the internet became a necessity. Now, as things begin to open back up and many are returning to in-person gatherings, don’t make the mistake of thinking you no longer need to Live Stream your services. There…

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Judas: In His Own Words

Judas is mostly known for one thing–betraying Jesus. But was Judas always an evil person? Jesus chose Judas to be an apostle, and he followed Jesus for some time. Judas was taught the same things as the other apostles and had the same types of experiences. We are not told in the Bible when Judas…

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