FEATURED FEATURE: Growing Your Online Ministry = Growing Your Ministry

Now that the holidays are over,  we are all eagerly hoping to get back to a normal routine. But if the last 2 years have taught us anything, ‘normal’ has a whole new definition. sermon.net would like to encourage you to rethink what your church-online looks like going forward.  As church attendance grows online, we…

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PAUL ON CALL: Save Bandwidth—Save Money

The higher the bandwidth the more the data costs to deliver.  Most church services are low-motion video. By comparison, a high-motion video would be a sporting event. The camera is moving a lot more, the background is always changing, and there are people running all over the place. For that you need a higher bit…

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PAUL ON CALL: Simple Ideas to Increase Your Production Value

With Christmas and additional services approaching fast, here are some best practices to up your church’s production value. Some of these tips may cost more than others, but it is a great foundation to kick off the holiday season. Fluid head tripod makes your shots smooth and look a lot nicer. Learn how to white…

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FEATURED FEATURE: Add Professionalism to Your Live Streams

Holiday Preparation Time It’s hard to believe we are already half way through October. This means the Holiday Season is right around the corner… Wow!! With that little reminder, always keep in mind, we are here to help with your special-event broadcasting needs. Perhaps it’s time for your first live stream, or some additional live…

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Finding the Right SD Card

Secure Digital, officially abbreviated as SD, is a proprietary non-volatile memory card format developed by the SD Association (SDA) for use in portable devices.   This format has been out since 1999 and is used in cameras, camcorders, record decks, & computers.  It is a versatile format that you can use across  several devices if needed. …

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First, we want to take a moment and acknowledge that October 10th is Pastor Appreciation Day! To all the pastors in the sermon.net family, we want to remind you that you are truly appreciated. Not only for allowing us to serve your ministry, but also for all the work you do to spread the Gospel…

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We would love to hear from you!

As Summer 2021 draws to a close, we pray this next season brings with it new and exciting methods and opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Thank you for allowing us to serve your ministry. We will continue to develop sermon.net to more effectively serve and protect your ministry well into the future.…

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PAUL ON CALL: Video Editing Software

The right video editing software can give you a polished finished product. Take your recorded videos and easily make edits, then save your file for local or online storage.   Here are a few inexpensive software options that will work well for your next video project. Adobe Premiere Elements (Windows/Mac) – Approx. $150 AVS4you.com (Windows Only) –…

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How Can We Best Serve You?

This week’s newsletter is a little different…  We want to hear what we can do to help you take your online ministry to the next level. As we prepare to enter the next season on the calendar, now is a perfect time to do more.  With sermon.net you have direct access to tools, and a…

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There’s An App For That!

As a pastor, you need your sermons (live streams and recordings) to be as accessible as possible. However, you also need to go easy on your media team (often volunteers) and on your budget.   Enter sermon.net… If you use sermon.net to its fullest, you can hit multiple access points with a single action. We provide…

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