“The Spirit of the Lord is on me…He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners…to set the oppressed free…” Luke 4:18 You are invited to JUST MERCY WEEKEND, an opportunity for church leaders to view the movie Just Mercy, edited for family-safe viewing. JUST MERCY is based on the powerful and thought-provoking true story of young…

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Kendrick Brothers Announce Newest Movie Projects

Alex and Stephen Kendrick, the creators of WAR ROOM, OVERCOMER, FIREPROOF and FACING THE GIANTS have just announced TWO new films coming to theaters this fall!   “SHOW ME THE FATHER” is the first ever documentary from the Kendrick Brothers and releases in theaters nationwide on September 10.  This film weaves inspiring personal stories with…

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The greatest problem in this world today are men who have abdicated their role as leaders, husbands, and fathers.  Catalyst is excited to partner with Legacy Minded Men as a provider of men’s ministry for the individual man as well as the Church.  We will be providing their resources COMPLETELY FREE for churches and individuals.…

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Lazarus: In His Own Words

In the Gospel of John, the author emphasizes seven miraculous signs that Jesus performed prior to his crucifixion. John wrote: “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,…

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Paul on Call: Get On Air with JTech

Paul Wood oversees technical support for and is available to help your church better use the platform to reach beyond your church community and grow. Do you have a camera with an HDMI output? JTech H.264 is a budget-friendly way to get online streaming in just a few minutes.  Most setups with the JTech are very…

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Special Movie Showing opportunity for your Church

Beautifully Broken movie

You may remember a few emails back when we highlighted our African ministry partner, JAM International. Well, we recently hosted an online movie night with the movie BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN to raise awareness for a crisis currently happening in Mozambique and had thousands join us to watch the film.   Since showing the movie, we’ve received enough…

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