
FEATURED FEATURE: Growing Your Online Ministry = Growing Your Ministry

Now that the holidays are over,  we are all eagerly hoping to get back to a normal routine. But if the last 2 years have taught us anything, ‘normal’ has a whole new definition.

sermon.net would like to encourage you to rethink what your church-online looks like going forward.  As church attendance grows online, we are seeing this translate into in-person church attendance growing, not shrinking! (when a church shares beyond just Sunday).

The sermon.net Sermon Studio is your own personal online media Studio that should be used for a lot more than just your weekend services. There are so many special events/activities that should be streamed or uploaded to better connect your congregation as well as their friends and family members in the community. 

If you’re not streaming these activities, this is a MUST for ongoing connection:

  • Daily or Weekly Devotionals
  • Sunday school teachings & Bible studies
  • Worship nights & concerts, 
  • Weddings & memorial services

But this shouldn’t just be based on the church staff. 

Use your studio to connect with the people in your congregation who might have gifts and talents that don’t translate into volunteering on Sunday.

We have seen churches who have company leaders who pre-record business coaching for the community. 

Others who do cooking classes online for families. 

Still others who offer topical counseling discussions or talking through current event topics in the light of scripture.  

Get Creative! Ask your people for help as a way to reach out to the community. 

Stream it live and then make it available as on-demand media for viewing at a later time.

You can have as many individual media players as you want,

Host a page on your website just for worship, business leaders or one for parents. Each page can have a unique media player embedded on it to separate the particular content or teaching. AND THERE’S NO ADDITIONAL COST! It’s already built into your sermon.net Sermon Studio.

The past two years have proven that the church is not defined by a physical location. 

Your goal in 2022 should be to add value to your online location by giving people more reasons to visit and engage with you – beyond just a Sunday service.