Religion Christianity concept. Man holding and reading the holy Christian Bible.

FEATURED FEATURE: The More Details The Better Archive

As a pastor, you pour your heart and soul into the sermons you prepare.  The dedication and discipline required is often underappreciated… but the effects can be Kingdom changing!

Week-after-week, you map out your topics, and begin your study and preparation.  

And now for an important reminder: the sermon you preached 3 months ago may be exactly what someone needs to hear today.

That someone may do a search for something that is weighing on them, and find exactly what they need —when they need it— on demand! Thanks to your online ministry.

To that end, we strongly encourage you (or your media team) to take a little extra time (just a minute or two), and provide additional details when describing the new sermons you add week after week.

Put in a descriptive Title, some Keywords, and a brief but informative Description. Add a Speaker, Series, and Scripture reference, as well as custom Artwork to further define the latest addition to your media Archive.

For years to come, people in search of something specific will appreciate it… you could literally change someone’s life!

If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please submit a Support > Help Desk ticket. We are here and always happy to help!