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FEATURED FEATURE: Host Your Own Easter Series Watch Party

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Last month we sent a newsletter highlighting the Eyewitness Bible Series – EASTER SERIES.

After receiving several requests we have made it possible for you to provide the EASTER SERIES as a Scheduled Broadcast each evening throughout Holy Week (April 10th – April 17th)…. Directly through your own Media Center!


Use this content as an opportunity to drive more traffic to your website, to build relationships with each other – and a deeper relationship with the God we serve.

The video series can be used in your church service, by your small groups, or even just in individual study. Follow the provided study guides as you discuss the content. Prepare for an exciting adventure as you meet the characters behind the stories.

You can even download the files to edit and use them in any way you would like. Never a charge, always amazing.

About the Eyewitness Bible Series project

Eyewitness video narratives are Bible-based and designed to spark imagination and provoke curiosity in the Bible without trying to be controversial.

Imagine Mary telling about the birth of Jesus, Satan disclosing how he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Joseph of Arimathea describing Jesus’ trial and death, Mary Magdalene imparting her story of being the first person to see the resurrected Jesus, or an elder of Laodicea illuminating Revelation.

Each video is 10-18 minutes long and addresses a portion of the Bible from the viewpoint of a Bible character. The videos and study guides provide a significant amount of historical, cultural, and chronological information that the original writers and hearers of the Bible knew, but are not well-known by most people today. The videos are not recitations of Scripture.

Eyewitness Bible Series – Easter Series

Eyewitness Bible Series-The Easter Series is a collection of eight episodes from other Eyewitness series. These episodes are designed to be watched leading up to Easter.

  • Palm Sunday: The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem took place on Palm Sunday when people threw palm branches on his path. This event is told in varying degrees of detail in all four gospels. The narration for this event is by an unlikely character.
  • Fig Monday’s episode shows Lazarus telling his story of being resurrected. We do not know precisely when Lazarus was raised from the dead, but this occurrence probably wasn’t too long before the Triumphal Entry. Lazarus was a controversial figure for the Jewish authorities during this time because he was solid proof that Jesus had a power that could only be from God.
  • Holy Tuesday’s episode shows Andrew’s story. According to John 12:21-22, after the Triumphal Entry, a number of Greeks wanted to meet Jesus. Andrew and Philip told Jesus about their request. Andrew tells of how he overcame his loneliness by introducing people to Jesus.
  • Spy Wednesday is an episode told by Judas. This episode is set in a time period long before Holy Week, but it will give you some insight about how Judas came to betray Jesus.
  • Maundy Thursday’s episode is an interpretation of the story of the vine and branches that Jesus taught on Thursday night before his crucifixion. This interpretation is narrated by Philip the Apostle. 
  • Good Friday’s episode is told by two of the main characters of the trial of Jesus. Peter tells about how he denied Jesus, and Pilate tells how he condemned Jesus to death on a cross.
  • Black Saturday’s episode is told by Joseph of Arimathea, who was very involved in the death and burial of Jesus. Imagine how he must have felt on Saturday after burying the body of Jesus the day before.
  • Easter Sunday’s episode is told by Mary Magdalene, the first person to see the resurrected Jesus. She had been a faithful follower of Jesus since he had healed her of demon possession