
Featured Feature – Make your streaming more than just the routine!

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Q: Are you there for your congregation and online audience when they need you (beyond Sundays)?

The most obvious way to use your Sermon Studio is to Live Stream your weekly services through sermon.net so that people can watch directly through your website, your social networks (Facebook, YouTube), mobile apps, and even on their television using Roku.

Following the live stream, a recording of the content can be accessed at all the same locations, as well as within any Podcast directories that you are syndicating your archived content through (Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, etc.).

That is the constant your online audience expects each week.

However, in the current cultural climate your congregation needs to hear from you for more than the “regularly scheduled programming.”

Your Studio equips you with the tools that will allow you to broadcast and share new content, whenever and from wherever.

For example; the Supreme Court of the United States recently overturned the landmark Roe vs Wade decision that dates back to 1973. This has stirred up a lot of controversy, and your congregation needs Biblical guidance on the topic. This ruling has presented the church with an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ toward mothers in turmoil who need support, counseling, and help. There is also an imperative to take action when it comes to foster parenting and adoption!

At an instant you can do an impromptu Live Stream directly from within your Sermon Studio, with little more than a webcam or phone. Or, you may just want to upload a recording.

You do not need access to all of the equipment in your sanctuary, nor do you need your media team to make this happen.

You can Live Stream or upload your response and make it available directly from within your existing player, or in a special player just for this purpose. It can also be distributed automatically on Facebook Live and YouTube.

In addition to this, your Sermon Studio provides you with direct links to your media files (mp4 video, or mp3 audio). You can share these links through text messages or a special email list.

Stop thinking your Studio is just for Sunday. Start sharing beyond Sunday more often to grow your online audience. This will be a benefit to your ministry and those that are looking for timely instruction and encouragement!

TAKE ACTION! It could be as simple as adding one extra broadcast per week streamed from your home office. Take what is in the headlines and provide a Biblical response… Let’s do more that matters!

* Watch this video to understand the basics. At any time you can stream through your Master Live Episode using whatever encoder you may already be using. Or you can stream directly from your browser, from any computer or phone/tablet to a special Episode and Player.

