Online Giving Made Easy

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Use your Media Center’s Call-to-Action feature to provide convenient access to your online giving options.

Your Online Ministry’s goals should include:

  1. Grow your congregation and reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. Strengthen your ministry financially so that you can have a greater impact in your community.

There are several solutions available online that make it easy for your congregation to give their tithes and offerings.

We encourage you to provide links to the options you utilize.  

You can use the Call-to-Action feature that appears immediately below the Player within your Media Center. You can include a graphic / button that will link your visitors to your online giving options.

Here is an example of how if can look within your Media Center:

How to make this happen within your Sermon Studio:


If you have any questions, or require any assistance, please submit a Support ticket through your Sermon Studio account. We are here and always happy to help!

GOD Bless,
