Eyewitness Bible Series

PARTNERSHIP HIGHLIGHT: Eyewitness Bible Series

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sermon.net is a production & distribution partner with the Eyewitness Bible Series,LLC – a 501c3

The Eyewitness Bible Series is a new, unique “Character-driven” video study, which utilizes the power of Eyewitness Testimony to profound stories and people in the Bible. 

EBS was originally created to better acquaint members of an adult Sunday School with how the people and stories in the Bible were not much different than the people and stories today in our world.

Some have asked, “I’ve heard of the Eyewitness Bible Series already. Why do you keep mentioning it?” Well, because so many churches and small groups still haven’t utilized this amazing tool. 

Check out the tail of the tape below:

We recommend that you play some epic film score from Hans Zimmer in the background as you read this list!

Eyewitness Bible Series: Easter Series

sermon.net, in a production & distribution partnership with Eyewitness Bible Series, LLC,

makes this multi-million dollar production

Of 12 different series

with 165 videos

Eyewitness Bible Series: Matthew

produced in visually stunning 4k

Eyewitness Bible Series 4K

with original musical score

award-winning actors

Including 12 Study Intros

Eyewitness Bible Series: Maundy Thursday

165 study guides for each video

Supplementary Background documents and detailed maps

Eyewitness Bible Series: God Wins

Written scripts of each video

All Downloadable or Streamed

Fully available to edit

Fully licensed to stream (for sermon.net clients)

Fully allowable to show royalty-free in any church service, online service, study, etc


Visit EyewitnessBible.org to start today.

Eyewitness Bible Series

You’re Welcome…

now get out there and change the World!