Legacy Minded Men

Partnership Highlight: LEGACY MINDED MEN

The greatest problem in this world today are men who have abdicated their role as leaders, husbands, and fathers. 

Catalyst is excited to partner with Legacy Minded Men as a provider of men’s ministry for the individual man as well as the Church.  We will be providing their resources COMPLETELY FREE for churches and individuals.

The vision of Legacy Minded Men is to move men from being unengaged and apathetic in their faith to someone who is fully engaged and a man of action. Through their servant-based ministry, they come alongside the local church, both small and large, to help build, or assist, with their men’s ministry which, if done properly, will not only impact the church but the man himself. This, in turn, will affect his family, his workplace, and ultimately the community he serves in a powerful way.

Where to start?

We recommend The 360 LEGACY PLAN.

Legacy ManThe 360 LEGACY PLAN provides everything you need to start, build and sustain a powerful and effective men’s ministry, as well as an individual man. 

By keeping men engaged, plugged in and building authentic relationships. You’ve seen it before: a great conference, seminar or other event followed by… nothing. Legacy Minded Men understands this all too well and created 360 LEGACY to address this glaring weakness. 


Simply take 4 steps:

  1. ENGAGE- with an EVENT… Legacy Minded Men provides 2 conference events every year, but if your church already has a conference for men or want to start one…Get an Event that draws them out for simple interaction and grabs their hearts.  
  2. EQUIP with DISCIPLESHIP RESOURCES…. After the event, the goal is to keep your men engaged. In order to honor that vision, Legacy Minded Men have created a robust library of solid men’s discipleship content. They also produce weekly content called Legacy Lessons.
  3. ENCOURAGE & create LEGACY GROUPS… The objective now  is to meet on a regular basis as  a “Legacy Group.” Use Legacy Minded Men’s FREE ongoing resources for continued group discussion and engage men in service to help build community and leave a powerful legacy.
  4. MULTIPLY to grow THE MISSION… After a period of six months or so, it’s time to inquire of your men who feel led to spin-off and facilitate their own group. In this way, we will multiply in a powerful way and impact lives all over the world!

This is a winning lineup and easy for any man to facilitate. Legacy Minded Men are available to help you implement the 360 LEGACY PLAN in your church or group. We encourage you to keep us posted on progress and provide us with feedback. Through the 360 LEGACY PLAN, they will continually lift you up in prayer – as your partner – as they help men to build a Christ-centered legacy.