
“Weights” FREE Sermon Starter

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“…lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us.”

Hebrews 12:1

This week’s FREE gift is a sermon starter video that demonstrates the inconvenience of carrying the “weight” of sin.  Included is:

  1. 2 min “Weights” themed Sermon Starter video and artwork
  2. 1 min “Weights” Music Bed
  3. Weights .pdf artwork

At the link below, you can download the video or audio to use during your church service.

1. Click link below
2. Play the “Weights (Sermon Starter Video)” or Weights (music bed).
3. Download the “Weights (Sermon Starter Video)” or “Weights (music bed)” and use with your sermon.
A big thanks to our friends at Seeds for this resource.
For use in church services and allowable for live streaming.
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